Dharma Paul Counselling and Psychotherapy Forest Gate by Stratford, East London


People come to me with a wide range of problems. Examples have been:

  • a burden of pained or strange feelings, such as low moods that are long and severe, or thinking badly of themselves, feeling anger or worry without good reason, ashamed, empty, intruded on by thoughts and moods, or wanting to take their lives
  • feeling immense stress or worry around sudden change, the challenge of getting themselves across to others, disputes, work issues, times of not having a job or any sort of work or purpose, coping with abuse and with trauma
  • problems getting on with others, patterns of not being able to relate or sustain close ties, problems around sex, conflict, growing apart, splitting up, feelings of loss and grief, wanting children, being a parent, carer matters and illness
  • questions of who they truly are, their gender groupings, sexual bearings, cultures, body image, sense of how it feels being or being other than their bodies, faith and thought, feelings around being infirm or injured
  • feeling very odd, feeling obsessed in distinct areas, compelled to certain actions, concerned about self-harm and being an addict, being alone, being lonely, lacking meaning and value.

    If you would like to know more about how I work and how I might help you, please get in touch. I will attend to and assess what you say with care and with respect.

    Counselling and therapy are suited to people wishing to explore their feelings, thoughts and choices in the short-, middle- and long-term. I can give you more information about the method. If you are in crisis, I would also urge you to contact your GP, NHS 111 or the Samaritans.

    My contact details are on this page. To arrange a first meeting, please get in touch by phone or email, giving your name, phone number and one or two times I would be able to call you back. I will respond as soon as I can.

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